Sunday, November 29, 2009

IMMA MESSYPAL || saya berantakkan

10 random things describe what I am tonight :

fact1# Im totally messy,, I hope Im cool like Mitchell but Im not, you know.. I will someday

fact2# Im uncontrolable,, I can destroy everything I touch *they are whispering through my ear

fact3# Im so awful,, just like twins next door.. ooh LOOK AT THEM!! dummey huh? hate one, not all.. they are not exactly the same.. I love one side and I hate another side.. crazey

fact4# Im unprepared,, I can annoyed you in 3 seconds.. warworld III, anyone?

fact5# Im full of truthness,, even its not came out with all good ways arghrawr what-so-ever.. cute, isnt it? Im not that bad! taste me or trust me perhaps Im not your lollipop, I have heart

fact6# yeah he's still my ex-nobf,, no matter what you, they, she, he said (ask me what nobf stands for, Im not going to answering you) you think its New Orleans BookFair?? no youre deffinitelly wrong but this pict imagine it well.. imagine whats nobf stands for...

fact7# I hate being so weak,, I tried to be so strong

fact8# I can angry and happy on the same time and it can change all time.. Im an old man dont you know that? lame..

fact9# nono Im a weirdo,, yes I pretend to be a dorky (doesnt mean Im not honest)

fact10# SAYA MARAH DAN BENCI PADA SEMUA HAL YANG MERUSAK MALAM SAYA,, dont know what but I guess its boys, school, parents, situation, and condition

dondondone hate thunder & love lights
see? I can hate and love one thing on the same moment (weirdo huh? I said it before)

but I belive this one (thanks for the inspiration Mr. Davis) -->

People do changing include me, and its your choice

kamu tidak akan pernah kenal saya jika kamu tidak berusaha kenal saya, "ummm anyway mit, who are you?? youre nobody"
Im not what you see, try to understand me then you'll see

Much Love,

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'll explode

"oh ya tuhan why?" thats first words I wanna say. Why my mom doesnt let me go to reunion??? Just because she mad at me? Shiizzz I mean come oooon Im 17!!? Im in my senior year mom.. just let me do what I wanna do! hhhh I try to understand you but you wont understand me so yeah F**K OFF!!

enough about my mom

I just wanna put some lyrics, I dedicated this to someone live far away from me.. I like him a lot

"The stars lean down to kiss you and I lie awake I MISS YOU (I miss you, kamu yang dulu because youre changing now)
I'd send a post card to you dear cause I wish you were here (its kinda impossible but I hope he will come here one day)
I'll find repose in new ways thought I havent sleep in two days (yes I havent sleep cause youre leaving for your study)
I'll sit on the front porch all night waist deep in thought because when I think of you I dont feel so alone (do you feel what I feel?)
oh if my voice could reach you through the air
I'd whisper in your ear, oh darling I wish you were here"






come here baby I'll hold your hand tightly
I care you more than you thought I am
I'll keep my feeling for you
it will never rust

dont you ever realize why I mad at you sometimes?
I have no reason to mad at you but I am
dont you know how much I like you?
Hey mister should I yelling your name?

please dont I wont

Im jealous when there's a new girl in your life
dont share your love life part to me
its hurt me enough
I just want you to know that Im not crying but yes you hurt me


I'll be 18 next year and you turn 20
please tell me that you need me


Monday, June 22, 2009


I'm on my Journey --> I think thats the best title. umm before I start with my journey, I just wanna tell everyone that blogging was fun!! It's fun to post anything we like ;)

I don't have any plan for past weekend so when my mom was like "wanna go to strawberry field?" we (my sister and I) immediatelly JUMP --> because we are so excited -___- we act like 5 years old child ahaha but it was fun. We ask our maid to do our packing :P we're too lazy to doing that, but we do prepare something like ummmm okay... we do nothing -___-
This is what I do -->
I'm even not eating since I woke up (too excited, so I forgot to eating) til half way to my villa, my mom ask "is anyone there have already eat?" ^_^ aaaaaaaaah finally we ate "sate kambing", my stomach was like "I neeeed a FOOD for sure!!", but it was not fun because my mom was mad at me (you know because I'm not eating).

After that the atmosphere in my car is not good because my mom still angry with me -___- Fortunatelly we have to pray, then we're going to masjid At Ta'awun and god was like gave us a miracle (but still I'm not believe on miracle even it does exist :P) --> my mom was not angry with me anymore (don't know why) XD then we ate SEKOTENG ahahai
And finally we arrived at villa at 12 AM (I dont remember anything after that because I'm tired)
oh yeah when we're in somewhere along the way we stop to fill the fuel and take a rest for awhile --> and you know because Im stupid and Im bored, I try this for fun! ahaha I wanna buy that sunglasses but the cost was $31 zzzzzz -___- I dont have enough money (I ate bubblegum on this pict and I look AWKWARD)
On Sunday we went to STRAWBERRY FIEEEEELD, we pick a lot of strawberries but we ate them ON THE SPOT so this is the rest
LOVIE LOVIE STRAWBERRIES, SEKOTENG, LATENIGHT ATMOSPHERE, $31 RAY BAN (is anyone there wanna buy that thing for me?), HORSE RIDING (Im not taking a picture -___- stupid me), SATE KAMBING, EVERYTHING AT PUNCAK except 10 km MACET!!! --> umm I think it's no big deal because we stay longer at puncak bacause of this ;)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

eeeerrrrrgggghhhh banyak sial hari ini ditambah lagi PUNCAK MACET 10 km -___-

This thing made me angry!!! -___- stupid thing!!

Jdi gini gue kan laper ya, tapi di villa gue lagi gak ada makanan, cuma ada singkong. Tapi gue udah mabok singkong dari pagi gue makan singkong -__- Jadilah gue ke supermarket cari Indomie atau apalah something to eat --> Gue buru buru balik dari supermarket soalnya gue janji 1 jam lagi gue balik lg ke dia!! eeeeeeeeh pas gue balik dia cuma bilang "lagi gak bisa ngomong sekarang, dadah" fuck banget gak sih tuh orang!! Mendingan gue nikmatin aja nih hawa puncak, gak usah pulang dulu ke villa!! NYEBELIIIIN DASAR STUPID!!

ummm sebelumnya tadi kan gue jalan pas udah sampe supermarket eh diparkiran tiba2 ada mobil berenti samping gue terus KLAKSON KENCENG BANGET! wanjir gue ampir mau jatoh nabrak kaca supermarketnya -___- dari situ perasaan gue udah gak enak! pas balik dengan sangat parahnya ada ACIN becanda2 gitu dijalan perumahan villa gue, dan dengan sangat gobloknya itu anak-anak sinting maen lempar2an batu! dan dengan STUPIDNYA LAGI batunya kena mobil gue yang lagi jalan dengan kecepatan 60 km/h

ampun deh gak beres banget dah pokoknya

terus sekarang gue gak bawa kabel data buat upload foto2nya deeeh, entar gue tambah post kalo udah sampe Jakarta ;)
There's one more bad thing --> PUNCAK MACET 10 KILOMETER, jadilah gue nunda kepulangan gue entar jam 10an
disamping ada kebahagiaan pasti ada kesialan, kenapa sih hidup gue aneh banget -___-

Thursday, June 18, 2009

why I decided to create a blog?

There's one thing that make me (finally) decided to create this blog, I don't know how to share my feeling because there's not always somebody for me to shared what's on my mind.

Yesterday I made a REALLY STUPID thing!! I never felt like this before --> I don't know what happen to me!! Sometimes this feeling made me like the happiest person in the world but there's a time when I hurt so bad. Actually there's no mistake about that thing, but I dont know sometimes I felt like 'it' is too care to me. I felt like I need this thing all the time and that thing is need me too. If I can ask anyone, what should I call this feeling? love? I'm not old enough to feel LOVE. I think this word is too complicated. Nggak pantes ya kayaknya kalo cinta dihubung-hubungin sama hidup gue. Umm like everyone always say that I'm too childish, so apa iya anak-anak bisa ngerasain yang namanya cinta? Sedangkan gue sendiri nggak tau apa artinya cinta.

AARRRAGGHH I hate this feeling!! why people must growing up?? I don't wanna growing up, I'm too scared to felt hurt. Gue tau emang nggak pernah ada orang diluar sana yang mau disakitin, tapi mereka bisa handle this problem. This is so hard for me, gue nggak pernah kuat buat ngadepin suatu masalah yang menyangkut sama perasaan gue. Buat gue "lebih baik gue lari dari masalah itu daripada gue disakitin" I think that's why I never growing up, that's why I'm too selfish and childish. I never let anyone take my happiness.

Like my mom always saying "adek kamu tuh jauh lebih dewasa daripada kamu, secara otak emang pola pikir kamu lebih berkembang tapi secara psychist adek kamu tuh JAUH lebih baik daripada kamu. Secara lahiriah kamu bisa dibilang seorang kakak, sebenarnya secara kepribadian adek kamu itulah yang kakak" This words always stay on my mind, this words made me cry all the night for sure. This is made me hurt so bad, tapi gimana dong ya? I try to do my best mom. I am type of person who can easily 'sayang' other person, meskipun cara gue nunjukinnya nggak selalu seperti gue sayang sama dia. I don't want there's someone who act like s/he care to me but s/he's not when I'm already love that person. What should I do??